Sep 6 - 2022

#046 Finding Your Peak of Productivity: Ultraworking with Sebastian Marshall

About the Episode



(1:46) – Who are your heroes?


(7:25) – Sebastian’s affinity for studying history, sports, art & professional gamers


(11:30) – How do you take lessons learned from these studies and apply them to entrepreneurship?



(13:01) – Why do you approach life and work with a lens of ruthless optimization?

(18:12) – Breaking down the concept of ‘productivity’


(26:56) – Non-value producing work


(28:11) – Do you find that you have a higher sense of baseline after experimenting with 

optimizing your entire life?


(34:25) – Maximum sustainable pace vs. Maximum possible pace


(39:44) – Optimizing for fun


(44:34) – Can you expand on the growth of Ultraworking?


(50:04) – Improving scope-to-quality of work


(55:36) – Sebastian’s period of life attempting to visit every country in the world


(1:00:59) – Sebastian’s writing eras and how they changed him


(1:14:40) – Agree or disagree: Self-measurement is self-punishment


(1:19:51) – Monthly themes for life


(1:22:45) – What is the mental model you find yourself implementing in your life the most?






Sebastian Marshall on Medium


The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt


Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon by B. H. Lidell Hart


On Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History by Thomas Carlyle


You and Your Research by Richard Hamming


Stedi Annual Letter – Operational excellence


Gateless by Sebastian Marshall


Extreme Productivity by Robert Pozen


Product Hunt


Clockwork Nutrition


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