Oct 18 - 2022

#049 Rolling Fun #3: Q3 Portfolio Recap and Life Updates: Crafting, Smart Kitchens, the API for the Auto Industry

About the Episode


(1:05) – Life updates and catching up from Al’s Quilting Capital: Hamilton, MO

(20:08) – Fund updates for end of Q2

(25:15) – Fund updates for Q3: Omello, Ohm, Driv.ly & Glyph

(49:35) – Closing out Q3

(50:28) – Updates on old portfolio companies: StableCoin, Terran, Gently 

(55:23) – How to get involved with Rolling Fun!



Rolling Fun #1

Rolling Fun #2


Al on Twitter

Bo on Twitter

Wongo Puzzles

Positive Food Co.


Smart Ohm




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