Sep 17 - 2024

#080 Solocast #3: Nuclear, Nanotech, and the next Industrial Revolution [Replay]


About the Episode

This episode is a replay of episode 22 of this podcast.


Eric’s Blog

Eric’s blog post on digital scarcity

Eric’s Blog post on The Cost of Trust

Technological revolutions and Financial Capital by Carlota Perez


(0:08) – Introducing the Web3 discussion

(4:13) – What is the Blockchain?

(6:06) – Lowering transaction costs across Web1, Web2 & Web3

(9:46) – Creating cheap, digital scarcity

(12:12) – Why does the blockchain matter? Trust & Decentralization

(18:50) – What happens when blockchains are deployed? Digital and Physical impacts.

(26:26) – Technological Revolutions & Financial Capital by Carlotta Perez

(28:23) – DAO: Distributed Autonomous Organization

(30:51) – Predictions: The biggest networks will be bigger than the biggest companies

(39:03) – Wrap Up: What do you have to do?

(42:02) – Web3 is supposed to be fun!

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