Apr 9 - 2021

10. Getting Your Money Right With Leo Coronel

About the Episode

Getting your Money Right

Much love to Leo Coronel for sharing his wisdom re Resilience and Finances.

About Leo…I was introduced to the industry through an advisor that was referred to me by my accountant. It was at a point in my life when I needed some guidance with my mortgage that I had just signed up for after my parents separated due to my father’s alcoholism. As the new “man of the house” I felt it was my responsibility to educate myself on finances in order to protect the family. It was after building a close relationship with the advisor that getting licensed to help families became intriguing. It also satisfied a need to build something on my own and to begin to establish a legacy for my own family.

It was shortly after starting my business that when a few adversities dealt some setbacks emotionally and financially. My wife had a battle with cancer shortly after getting married in Sept 2006, my father passed away with no insurance in Jan 2010, and my son was born with a disability in Aug of 2010. It was overcoming these battles that solidified my purpose in helping those families (like mine) being left behind by the system.

I now focus on teaching financial literacy and help families build a strong financial foundation as well as mentor new agents in our industry establish themselves.


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