Aug 3 - 2019

#117 Podcast with Daren Millard ft Shug McSween

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Welcome to the 117th episode of the Podcast with Daren Millard ft the one and only Shug McSween. On today’s episode, we talk about LeBron’s hairline, hair plugs and of course the Toronto Blue Jays. The boys discuss their thoughts on the recent Stroman and Sanchez trades, Dean being 50/50 on the Blue Jays, the young guns on the team, resigning David Price, attracting free agents and Mark Shapiro. Switching gears Dean quizzes Shaner on dating apps. Shane gives a few war stories about his Bumbling days and Dean drops some pearls on knowledge about how to know a date isn’t going to work out early on in the date. The man is a genius. Shaner stresses how much times have changed and how dating is completely online now and lets us in on the plethora of interesting people you will meet on a dating app. Dean asks Shane about his success rate on these dating apps. The percentage is quite good. We close with a great article Dean wrote on regarding Scott McArthur and Shug believes Marner is already signed behind closed doors and it will be official on the first day of camp. Enjoy!

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