Aug 8 - 2019

#119 Podcast With Daren Millard

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Welcome to the 119th episode of the Podcast with Daren Millard. Dean is convinced Daren has misophonia, “the hatred of everyday noises”. Daren agrees. Daren tells us the sound that makes him go insane. Daren got a 3-week contract with the Tokyo Olympics for next year and Dean is going to Barcelona for a poker tournament. We’re moving up folks. Dean had a very good conversation with Bob McCown this week, Daren has always been confused why Bob had a co-host. Dean thinks he is ready for podcasting. Dean wrote an article on about Mitch Marner allegedly receiving 3 different offers from the Maple Leafs. We turn to Daren to check the validity of this report. Dean is done with Marner if he refuses all 3 of these deals. Daren stresses there is no loyalty in this game and doesn’t hold turning down offers against anyone. We close with discussing Daren’s latest Chirp and play our new segment “Ask the Expert”. Enjoy!

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