Nov 12 - 2020

21: The 905er Remembers the Battle of Normandy

The 905er

About the Episode

We talk to Alex Fitzgerald-Black of the Juno Beach Centre headquartered in Burlington, about how the centre came to be, its mission, and the challenges of COVID-19.

Make sure you check out the, which provides a fantastic resource for anybody wishing to learn more about Canada’s role in the second world war.

Also take a listen to the Juno Beach Centre’s own podcast, available here.

The museums we spoke to in episodes 20 and 21 for Remembrance week do fantastic work, and depend on public support to keep Canada’s history alive. They need help to get through Covid. You can donate at and

Thanks to:

Our founding patrons! You can join them at Supporting the 905er with a monthly donation enables us to do this podcast, to make it better and better, and to make sure it reflects your priorities. Please consider joining!

Gayle Laws: research

Wendy Nicholson: sound engineer, podcast consultancy.

The Quadrafonics – superheated audio.


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