Nov 10 - 2015

5: The Lies We Tell

About the Episode

Danny and Bo reveal the lies they’ve told, especially to themselves. And then the fallout. Danny falls in love with two women but neither knows about the other. Everyone is happy, until he hears a knock at the door. Bo admits to his many sexual encounters with women, sometimes in the same day; all an attempt to cure himself from being gay.

Andrea talks about the importance of feedback and encourages the listener to find a writing group. She says feedback can be delicate, especially with any new writing and reveals her own difficulty receiving feedback, especially positive feedback as it poured in about this podcast. She talks about how important it is for students to resist the urge to comment on student’s lives–as much as we want to say, “Dude, don’t have sex with women who aren’t your girlfriend!”–and to keep the feedback specific to the writing. And she encourages you to go to, or our Twitter or FB page and pick a daily prompt, set a timer and write. If you like what you wrote, Andrea says, “Keep going with that.”

Writing Class Radio is a podcast where you’ll hear true personal stories and learn a little about how to write your own stories. Writing Class Radio is equal parts heart and art. By heart we mean the truth in a story. By art we mean the craft of writing. No matter what’s going on in our lives, writing class is where we tell the truth. It’s where we work out our shit, and figure out who we are.

There’s no place in the world like writing class and we want to bring you in.

Writing Class Radio is co-hosted by Allison Langer ( and Andrea Askowitz ( Writing Class Radio is produced by Diego Saldana-Rojas, Andrea Askowitz and Allison Langer.

Visit our musicians page to learn about the talented and generous people who allowed us to use their songs.

There’s more writing class on our website(, Facebook ( and Twitter (@wrtgclassradio).

If you love the lessons you get on each episode, you can get them ALL in one place–our three-part video series. $20 for one part or $50 for the series. Click on Video Classes on our website.

Writing Class Radio is now open to submissions from our listeners. Go to the submissions page on our website for guidelines. We pay!

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