Oct 6 - 2022

905 Round Up: Activists, Coyotes and Politics What More Do You Need?

The 905er

About the Episode

It seems that in the 905, it belongs to the coyotes and we just live here. Coyotes continue to dominate the discussion around dinner tables in Burlington where 4 coyotes have been put down. Response from City of Burlington has been its people’s fault for feeding or leaving food sources open for wild animals. This information isn’t new to officials though. A conservation group Coyote Watch Canada put out a blog posting stating that as far back as 2014 they urged the City of Burlington to better educate the public on how to safely live with coyotes to prevent incidents like we’ve seen lately from happening. Why didn’t the city take action then?

After the break, a former guest of the podcast TVO Reporter Justin Chandler wrote an interesting article highlighting the fact that four candidates in Hamilton are former activists in various backgrounds, who are stepping up to the plate this election. Should they win what sort of change might Hamilton see? As well are activists in general good politicians? Short answer yes…long answer? Well check out the podcast!

Coyote Watch Canada Blog:


Justin Chandler Article:



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Nicholas Paul: sound editing.

The Quadrafonics: fantastic opening and closing tunes!

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