Oct 19 - 2022

Bear Attacks, Doug Ford Lied About The Convoy, Online Dating & The Piano Prodigy

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Welcome back to the show no one admits to watching, and it may be true!!

Mary Anne Ivison from the “Let’s Take This Outside” podcast joins us to talk OTTAWA #FluTruxKlan hearing! Today, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson told the country what we already know: Doug Ford refused to help, lied about sending 1500 cops (he didn’t), and refused to be part of any mtg to help the people of Ottawa. The PM and The Mayor’s email exchanges were on display today, and it’s all Doug’s Fault. For real.

Mary Anne lives in Ottawa and has some choice words for Premier Cheesecake.

A US Psychologist and sex activist says, “young men are angry because they don’t have enough sex, and she thinks women need to give it up more. We discuss; it is a woman’s job to bang common sense into angry young men. Dean thinks not.

Fed up with dating apps that don’t share vaccine history or who your perfect match votes for? “The Right Stuff is here for conservatives, and Jesus Freaks to get their heavy petting on. We put it through the dating app test with Mary Anne. Is personal culture the new deal breaker??

Joe Rogan fell for the “Kitty Litter” hoax and spent 10 minutes lying about how his “FRIEND” knew someone who’s kid identified as a cat and preferred to shit in litter boxes at their school. Because we live in a post-truth world, it’s not a big deal. But FUCK, is it funny watching Joe Lie in real time like he’s a culture hero who’s on to something.

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