Jul 11 - 2022

Beaver Bites — CPC Leadership: As Nasty As We Wanna Be (ft. James Di Fiore, host of Blackballed)

About the Episode

[Recording Date: July 10, 2022]

On this episode of Beaver Bites, we start off with a bit of headline news you can use and then move on the utter sh!tshow that is the Chaos Party of Canada’s leadership race; a contest that not only has already had more melodrama than a telenovela, but one that has Canadians wondering yet again why it is that the Canadian Conservative movement just can’t seem to organize or run a clean race.

Candidate Patrick Brown has been bounced… And it all as a very fishy smell to it.

To help us with it, we’ve invited James Di Fiore, host of Blackballed, to discuss the issue as he has been all over and brings prior Patrick Brown knowledge to the discussion.

And of course, as this is a Bites, we are once again flying without a net, completely unscripted… and we sometimes veer off onto other topics.

Join us; won’t you?

PS: The interview portion of this episode will also soon be available on our new True North Eager Beaver Media YouTube channel at [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeZ9siY91-HQbgwp-ooP_5Q/featured}


Not everyone can do everything. But everyone can do something.

Because we believe that Democracy Is Something You Do…

Food Insecurity for Canadians is on rise; please donate to your local Food Bank or Soup Kitchen.

And If you can help more, please enjoy our episode on the subject here [https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/food-in-security-ft-constance-howes-the-rosie-project/id1564803781?i=1000569212050], and then get in touch with us if you too, would like to be a Friend of Rosie, and help to keep 5 people alive in Kenya.


Of course, retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, tips, requests, bribes to be on the show, and positive reviews (if you think we deserve some stars, please rate us) are always welcome.

You can do that via our show’s Facebook blog page, via Twitter @TrueEager, or by e-mail at TrueNorthEagerBeaver@gmail.com.

And if you really enjoy our podcast, why not subscribe via our Podpage [https://www.podpage.com/the-true-north-eager-beaver/], and tell a friend?

Until next time, be kind to, and gentle with, yourselves,

Your Eager Beaver


Thank you to our podcast’s founding sponsors:

* The Peppermaster

* The Miss Vee Mysteries from Corvid Moon Publishing

* Canadian Tarot Dot Com

Artwork credit: Peter Jarvis

This is Episode 22 of the True North Eager Beaver’s “Beaver Bites” format

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