Jul 4 - 2023

Dean with CharlesAdler, Michael Geist, New Adler-Cast, Google/Meta VS Canada

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

We’re back with a unique “Adler/Geist” cast. Charles is launching his new Podcast, “The Charles Adler Podcast,” and his first guest is a beauty. Ryan Jespersen joins Charles at 7 pm 3 nights a week to cover news, pop culture, and social issues, and it’s gaslight-free and accountable. No conspiracy theories, no bullshit, and news from a human perspective.

Michael Geist is the world’s foremost expert on Copyright/digital law, and he joins us to talk about the fight between Google/Meta and the Government of Canada, who want to force Big Tech into paying derelict, collusive, Canadian media 329M a year for the right to use Google or Meta. Nice, Huh? Geist breaks down the REAL issues with C-18 and the user-generated regulation bill, C-11. That’s right; the Canadian Government wants to regulate your content after trying to force big tech to bribe Canadian MSM with 329 million to use their platforms.

And it’s the fourth of July! Dean and Charles run back the birthday of the drunkest country in the world.

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