Apr 11 - 2022

Doug Ford Is A Criminal, Fugazi Radio Podcast Contests, Rogers “The Next Great Podcast” & Racist Crypto/Elon Musk Twitter Plan With Scott Trades

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Scotty is back to talk about Racist Crypto, Hot Wallets, and Elon Musks’ insider trading/purchase of 9.2% of Twitter’s existing stock. If he fucking HATES twitter, why did he buy it? And when did he really buy-in and for what purpose?

A radio Company got caught trying to steal content from podcasters in a fugazi radio podcast contest. Rogers’ “Next Great Podcast” contest was a content, PR grab that went away before they could fuck over independent content creators and it’s Matt Cundill’s doing. We made fun of radio A LOT in this podcast.

Ontario premier #DougFord had a bad weekend. The Toronto Star published a piece that shows Doug gave ppe to private schools where his friends’ kids go to school, but not paramedics, low income, public schools because he’s a criminal.

That and more!

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