Big Kris
May 15 - 2016

Excitement of Music

About the Episode

A certain part of me is desensitized to the excitement or hype behind new music. It’s part of working in rock radio for most of my adult life. This week however, that magic returned. The excitement that I felt as a teenager waiting for a new song to come on the radio arrived when The Stone Roses released their new song ‘All For One’ on Thursday. I share the story and provide a quick review for the new single, their first in 22 years. Plus, I’ve been bestowed the esteemed pleasure of being a judge for the Lift Expo’s Toronto Cannabis Cup.. as you can imagine everybody wants to stop by the Green Room and help me judge the over 50 different strains! Catch the Lift Expo Toronto Cannabis Cup May 28-29th at The Toronto Convention Center.

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