Aug 17 - 2022

F*ckwads In Canada With Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien & Caryma Sa’d

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

When Dean heard Peterborough’s Mayor call Romana Didulo’s alt-right cult members #Fuckwads, he had to get her on the show.

Diane Therrien has been #Peterborough’s #Mayor for a minute and she’s the first elected official to call this for what it is. A bunch of Fuckwads who hate Canada, trying to make this country worse, city by city.

Dian talks to us about what she knew, her unabashed insult of Canada’s worst human,s and when she plans on running for Premier in Ontario.

We ask about the blowback and what she plans on doing when she leaves city hall in a couple of months. All I know is, we need more Diane Therrien’s.

We also go over:

Trimming your friend group

Zellers making a comeback

Lochlin getting sent a dick pic

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