Former Military Men Becoming Accelerationists With John Dowe, Tim Hortons Pizza & Swearing Merch
The Dean Blundell Show
About the Episode
Today we break down Tim Horton’s entry into the fats food pizza game. They started testing Tim’s Pizza at 20 select Ontario locations and somehow, everyone, including and especially Ryan who’s a total food snob. We check out some reviews, and wondered why the fuck McDonald’s isn’t storming the fast food gates by bringing back the McPizza!!! SERIOUSLY, Ronald. Let’s fucking GO!
While we’re on the topic of Pizza, Dean wants to talk about the best pizza that no one talks about.
We have an sales update on the FUFW shirt sale. Parn.ca is getting a hefty check in the mail thanks to Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien. HOWEVER, someone here @ DeanBlundell.com has an issue with all the bad language on merch. Our Merch. We dig in.
Former Vet John Dow joins us. He’s spearheading the Mass Mefloquine lawsuit, and in light of Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s threatening us, Dean wanted John to come on to explain why so many former military cats like Jeremy become accelerationists. Big word, but it’s important to remember most radicalized former military become radicalized because the government fucks them over when they leave the service. Almost all of them carry around some deep seeded shit most of us will never understand.
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