Dec 7 - 2022

Former Neo Nazi Elisa Hategan, Carey Price Enters The Gun Debate. & Worlds Worst Paramedics

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

I met Elisa Hategan and became familiar with her incredible story last year while researching the Anti-hate movement. Elisa is almost single-handedly responsible for taking down former Neo-Nazi hate group “Heritage Front,” complete with parliamentary Testimony in 2011 that spelled the end for guys like Ernst Zundel and Grant Bristow.

Elisa has been the target of hate and anti-hate groups and has an incredibly unique story. After getting out of the Heritage Front, Elisa says she has been on a 12-year journey to fight real racism and real extremism and knows how the hate sausage is made.

What Elisa sees in terms of radicalization today that worked 20 years ago?

The profile of those who are racially radicalized.

How to reach fascists and extremists.

Montreal Canadiens Goalie Carey Price stepped into the Gun Debate, turning himself into a pariah overnight. After posting his support for legal gun Owners VS the Canadian Government Bill-C21, new handgun, and assault rifle restrictions, Price was DRAGGED. He supported the Canadian Coalition For Firearms Rights lobby efforts in his IG post, and that’s a problem. A week before the memorial of the mass murder of female engineering students at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, used POLY as a promo code to give gun nuts 10% off guns and hunting paraphernalia last week.

Lousy Timing or is Carey Price the muted version of Theo Fleury?

Should we be advocating for the rights of responsible gun owners?

We close with the video of the year of the world’s worst paramedics so you can get on with your day!

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