Apr 4 - 2022

Healing From Invisible Wounds With Norm DeVarennes

About the Episode

Kwesi Millington welcomes Norm DeVarennes to Rise The Podcast.

Norm DeVarennes was a police officer with the RCMP for 28 years. In both this podcast and his book, he dives deep into his emotion as he reflects on the effect a career in policing on his mental health.

His goal is to have other first responders see themselves through the eyes of the author while it will help people from the general public on what generally happens to police officers during a career on the streets.

Listen to and read his book to understand how the mind of a shy, non-confrontational person, transformed into a person that was ready for battle at the drop of a dime.

Stay connected:
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/norm-devarennes-15096567/
Get Norm’s book, Invisible Wounds: https://www.amazon.ca/Invisible-Wounds-emotional-journey-officers-ebook/dp/B08F5K14G4

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