Aug 22 - 2022

Hold Me Back, baseball fights are nothing but bravado and disappointment

About the Episode

I’m totally okay with Cole standing up to support his teammate. I’m not okay with Cole getting anywhere near Alek Manoah in the exchange. Hold me back, baseball fights are nothing but bravado and disappointment. New York Yankees pitcher Gerrit Cole is the poster child for why fights in baseball suck. When Manoah plunked Aaron Judge in the fifth inning with a sinker it didn’t come across as malicious. It looked like a guy who lost control of a sinker. I also think it would be strange to watch a pitcher intentionally hit a pitch they are struggling to control. If Manoah would have cracked Judge with a 4-seam fastball I would concede it was probably intentional. But it wasn’t. I can’t figure out why Cole was so upset. News Break App:

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