Nov 5 - 2020

Jason Kuhl

About the Episode

For our 21st talk, I had the honor to speak with Jason Kuhl. Jason is a leader in the security industry, and one of my favorite people to see at a festival or cross paths backstage at a show! At the onset of Covid, Jason was one of the people that I was privileged to keep an open dialogue with as we tried to navigate in the entertainment industry.

We covered what it takes to break it into the security industry, how to be a successful bodyguard or venue security professional on the road, and the importance of being a team player who isn’t afraid to keep learning!

If you are wanting to break into the industry, this will be a must listen talk!


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Follow @johnsilverspear to see what the host is up to! 


Follow @jkuhl80 for all things Jason! 

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