Oct 26 - 2023

Jason Markusoff: CBC News: Alberta’s Canada Pension Plexit

The Charles Adler Show

About the Episode

Jason Markusoff has worked in Alberta for the last 20 years at the Edmonton Journal, the Calgary Herald, MacLeans and now the CBC. He joins Charles Adler to discuss the ongoing banter surrounding Alberta Separation, and the notion of the province leaving the Canada Pension Plan which has received opposition from diverse groups, including labor unions, academics, and conservative politicians.

In this episode, you will hear Charles express his concern about voting for the pension plan without knowing how much money will be in the pot, and how he would feel if he voted yes and the actual amount was less than expected, and Jason state that there is no guarantee of pension plan portability between provinces, and it may take a lot of tallying and negotiation to calculate and transfer pension contributions.

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