Sep 26 - 2023

Jody Vance: The Myths and Falsehoods of Parental Rights

The Charles Adler Show

About the Episode

Jody Vance joins Chalres to discuss parental rights and its politicization in education and how it has led to bigotry against LGBTQ+ children. Jody Vance also addresses parents who are opposed to gender ideology in schools, suggesting that they are often intolerant and projecting their own insecurities onto their children and questions the fear surrounding transgender youth and their medical treatment, while Charles Adler seeks specific examples and facts to support the claims.

Jody Vance discusses her experiences as a woman in sports media, mentioning that while she grew up around boys and had a supportive upbringing, she has found it more difficult and lonely in her career due to a predominantly male audience not appreciating a woman with strong convictions and opinions.

Charles Adler asks Jody to elaborate on her personal experience with harassment and stalking, and the role Jesse Miller played as to help her identify her harasser and create a report for the RCMP. Vance and Miller are co-filers in a BC Supreme Court case, and Miller is credited with teaching detectives how to find people online.

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