Sep 28 - 2022

Kenny Vs Spenny The Podcast & Hurricane Ian Wiping Out Florida

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode


BIG show today.

Our Ukraine war correspondent Alex @Dayrabekov is live in Irpin Ukraine with a full report!

– Drunk Russian conscripts

– Russia is running out of everything

– Russian men fleeing the country, breaking arms and legs to avoid the draft.

– Bullshit referendum ballot stuffing videos

– Advance of Ukrainian troops into Russian territory and a before and after look at Ukraine’s war map

Slave Ukraine!!

Spenny is back and we REALLY want to convince him to launch the Kenny VS Spenny Podcast. He’s big-time angry at the alt-right, btw.

Hurricane Ian might destroy FLA for years to come but the people of Florida are planning on swimming through it.

Dean has a confession about his only known phobia and Lochlin is really angry about the Carbon Tax.

Connor Mcdavid the Actor and We’ll talk about Tim Horton’s opening up a clothing store. Ryan’s big mad.

It should be fun-ish.

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