Apr 3 - 2024

Kevin J Johnson Live From Costa Rica

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode


Dean saw Kevin J Johnston on Twitter the other day and laughed so hard at one of Kevin’s tweets that he invited Kevin onto the show.

Kevin made news in Canada over the past few years mocking and defaming Muslims and people of color because, in his words, “they took all the jobs for Canadian (white) men. He’s been arrested and charged 22 times, spent almost a year in prison, and hasn’t paid his taxes in 24 years.

Kevin blames everyone else for all of his decisions. He says he’s not racist, but brown people just don’t like his jokes.

We went hard in the paint for 1.3 hours, and Kevin didn’t disappoint. From being faktChek’d in real time to catching him in several (very funny) lies, I didn’t believe a word that he said, but Kevin was funny today.

You have to watch the entire thing, especially the part where he says he’s in Costa Rica Illegally, and he helps other Canadians evade taxes down there. Truly, an interview for the ages.


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