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Nov 10 - 2023

Men’s Health

About the Episode

You May Also Like learning a little something about Men’s Health. I have invited Mike Sea from the Natural Man Podcast on to the show to discuss some of the subjects he has highlighted on his quest to live better. Over the last year, I have discovered that there are a lot of subjects we are not touching on in our day to day lives when we discuss health. Things like 5G, cell towers, dirty electricity, water quality and pollution are all subject matter you might think is tertiary, but it will slowly come to the forefront as time goes on.

So why not get ahead of it now?

In this episode, you will hear us discuss the difference between medical systems in Canada and the United States, Mike’s personal journey of chronic illness, conventional medical frustration, and eventual holistic healing through functional medicine doctors and self-research, and industrialization’s impact on health and technology. We also discuss the benefits of yoga, going barefoot, why you need to distance yourself from dirty electricity, and how to get the right amount of sunlight.

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