Big Kris
Nov 21 - 2017

One Bad Son at The Phoenix

About the Episode

I had the chance to reunite with pals in One Bad Son after their soundcheck at The Phoenix in Toronto. How have they not sued other ‘sons’ bands? especially with a lawyer for a drummer? Kurt explains. We chat about the tour thus far and upcoming holiday plans. What would you pick number 1 overall in a Christmas dinner draft? The band weighs in and spoiler alert: pretty much everybody chose booze as their number one for the holidays. Shane reveals his dirty secret.. he doesn’t like hockey, he’s a baseball guy. Hicks? still has a huge donger. Welcome new bass player Steve! The band continues their tour in Kingston this Friday (Nov 24th) at the Merchant Tap House and their new album “Made In The Name Of Rock N Roll” is out now!

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