Oct 7 - 2022

Pierre Poilievre Caught Red Handed Using Alt-Right Anti-Female Hashtag & The Downfall Of Hockey Canada

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

We got ourselves a hum dinger today!!

Pierre Poilievre was caught red handed using Hashtags in his videos directed at Alt-Right Anti-Female groups with #MGTOW.

We’ll explain it BUT basically it’s a direct connection and hat tip to male supremacists and Incels around the world (Jordan Peterson’s Crew). Remember, when we told you Pierre was using digital douchebaggery to dog whistle to a bunch of angry white men who hate women and pine for the protection of their white privilege. Yeah. So that;’s all true.

Hockey Canada is FUCKED. Every major sponsor and every province has pulled their funding after one of the worst televised perfomances you’ll ever see. Interim director Andrea Skinner at the direction of crisis PR firm Navigator BOOT FUCKED themselves. The board and management, who actively covered up rape and sex assaults by players and members for 40 years, said they wouldn’t step down. Now they have lost the support of every sponsor and province across the country putting dozens of equitable hockey programs at risk. Why? They don’t want to admit what everyone already knows: Hockey Canada secretly took kids registration fees to help foster a rape culture for players for decades.

What amazes me about both of these stories? The intended victims are women, and no one seems to care.

Dean bought a new light switch and wants to know if it’s sacrilegious and we’re making a play for more bathroom selfie VIDEOS – not pictures because farts will always be funny.

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