Aug 22 - 2022

Pierre Poilievre & Jeremy McKenzie/WJHC Sexual Assault & Pierres Bat Shit Crazy Breakfast Video

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Welcome to your Monday! We’re coming in hot with my friend and tireless advocate for LTC humanity Dr. Vivian Stamatopolous. She’s a total WARRIOR for people who get stuck and abused in institutional care and she’s got the skinny on why Doug Ford is planning on moving sick folks into FOR PROFIT Lone Term Care homes. Pro Tip: His friends need the money.

Vivian’s explanation of Ford’s fugazi solution to Ontario’s Health Care System is a fucking JOKE.

Speaking of Jokes, did anyone watch Canada’s insane OT win at the WJHC? NOPE. After multiple sex assault investigations spanning 20 years are people done with the culture of Hockey in this hockey-crazed culture?

That fake Convoy church, TUPOC, is still going strong despite being evicted. The losers from the cult that bought the building refuse to leave and they are holding weird religious ceremony’s inside that look like methhead karaoke. SheepKing JB comes in to explain.

And COnservative politician Pierre Poilievre put out a batshit crazy breakfast video about inflation. We explain how fucked he is in less than 10 minutes.

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