Dec 7 - 2022

Put It In An Email, Dear Amy Is Bullshit & Sheepkings New Website

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Mary Anne is back and so is SheepKingJB

Mary Anne wants to talk about Emails VS Phone calls because Dean tore a strip off of everyone last week over their constant need for a phone call which should be a fucking email.

Is “Put It In An EMAIL” the new “Fuck You.”

Dear Amy’s advice column in the WaPo was bullshit this week. “Hesitant” wanted to know if she should tell her ex what he did wrong in their relationship AFTER the broke up. Like she might be able to help him “down the road” Who the fuck thinks like that, and what’s more, who gives a shit about their exes after a 30-day relationship?

SheepKingJB is taking a break from streaming at al-right assholes and convites. He’s starting a new social media platform called NEST thats porn friendly and will feature ZERO nazis. We discuss how to build a social media platform and how much porn he plans on filtering into NEST from his ONLYFANS account.

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