Jul 13 - 2022

Ukraine Update With Alex Dayrabekov, Pandemic Online Dating/Elon Musk NOT Buying Twitter & Drunk News Anchors

The Dean Blundell Show

About the Episode

Alex @Dayrabekov is back and joins us from Irpin #Ukraine!

Alex celebrated his first war birthday yesterday and he’s asking for a gifts for OTHERS. Donations so he can buy food and living supplies for his brothers and sisters.

Ukraine forces are crushing Russian Ammo depots with HIMARS misslie systems and the explosions give Alex a boner because of the shear devastation Rascist forces are causing in Ukraine. The scenes coming out of the east are devastating and YOU can help by donating here!

Scott Macgregor from the Hot wallet pod and Mary Anne Ivison from “Let’s Take This Outside” pod join us today! We talk pandemic online dating and how it melted peoples brains, has the pandemic totally changed online dating?

Elon Musk is NOT buying twitter and the forthcoming lawsuits ought be a thing of beauty.

Drunk News anchors and radio geography, too!!!

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