Sep 27 - 2022

What To Watch For The Maple Leafs Reaming Preseason Games

About the Episode

Preseason hockey means nothing in the standings. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to the Toronto Maples Leafs. On Tuesday’s episode of Ray’s Sports Rant, I hosted my boy Griff Bordignon, our hockey betting guy on the Dean Blundell Network. We talked about the Leafs first two preseason games against the Ottawa Senators. We also discuss what you should be paying attention to the rest of preseason.

Podcaster, Writer, Sports Director of the Dean Blundell Network. Host of Ray’s Sports Rant & Co-Host of Who’s Got Next. Covers Toronto Sports, NFL, Maple Leafs, Blue Jays, TFC, Raptors, & Bills (New England Patriots & FC Bayern fan / CFL hater)

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